For the record please note the insane time of this post... Because it is so completely relevant to the entire rambling below...
Yes, I am awake at 4:03 in the morning not because I am an insomniac, but because a neighbor (although technically if her house burned many months ago and she has made no attempt to repair it and is not living there is she really a neighbor?) has a dog that barks and howls at every train that goes by our house (which occurs all throughout the night) - The dog does not do this just as the train goes by but for the preceding 15 minutes before when I suppose the freaking train is 5 miles away, but bet your butt it is coming.....
I am not a dog hater, I have three - but as a generally decent, considerate person if our dogs are raising hell in the middle of the night we get up and make the dogs shut up and if this is not possible bring the dogs in the house - so we are the only ones tortured not the whole freakin neighborhood....This is not possible with above mentioned neighbor because as I mentioned she IS NOT LIVING THERE......
Hello, if you move - TAKE YOUR DOG WITH YOU! Apparently she comes by and feeds the dog and I guess if the dog is really good (maybe it eats all it's vegetables that day?) she takes the dog with her for a little visit, but....she always brings him back.... To make matters worse the dog runs loose....I call the dog catcher at least once-twice a week to no avail...(Although if you ever want a good show I'll post when I do and you can come watch him trying to catch the dog - from my bedroom window I have a good view - it is quite entertaining and I must admit after one round and the dog catcher almost falling flat on his face tripping while running to catch the dog I almost peed in my pants laughing) I swear the dog recognizes the truck as soon as it comes down the street and immediately takes off running - usually before the poor guy can even get out of his truck good.
Now I have no experience with professional dog catching, but jeez a hot dog or some sort of treat always works for me- something about a long metal pole with a noose coming toward me might make me run too. I have even called the Friends of the Animals only to be told that if she is feeding the animal and it appears to be taken care of there is nothing they can do, so I ask....Does anyone have a paintball gun with a nightvision scope so I can go back to sleep? (JUST KIDDING - I would never intentionally harm an animal - but really how bad could a little paintball to the butt be?)
In Which I Say "Chairs" Way Too Much
2 months ago
Okay, so I totally know who you are talking about.
She and her mom are both bazillion marbles short of having all their marbles.
We live at Whittsburg (Levesque) a few houses down on one side we have Pet Legend Motel and a few houses down on the other side...a lovely family that has about 20 dogs and 50 cats, not kidding. To drive down that end, you have to wait for them to all move out of the middle of the road.
They love trains too.
OOOHHH! SIL Kaye sent me your way and just let me say, she gave me the lowdown on just who they are. Unfortunately, I know them personally. They have been related to me for a while. Let's just say I disagree with Kaye. They may have looked at a picture of marbles, once...a long time ago...They have ZERO! You have my deepest sympathy. Oh, and the reason she doesn't take the dog? She is living in the local no tell motel.
My Hubby loves to play paintball so it can't hurt too bad. I'll let you borrow one. hee hee
Try tossing the dog some treats. Maybe be-friend it and see if you can get it to keep quiet. Worth a shot. ;)
heeheeheehee!!! Jenni, this is hilarious! Well, it's not so funny that it's keeping you up, but your description! I'd go after the dog too! Now...update this blog. hahaha. Who am I to talk! :)
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