I have briefly mentioned that I got fired last year....Now not to sound trite (because I have so many things to be thankful for - a healthy family, my beautiful kids, good friends,a home, and food on the table) but it has been one of - if not the worst thing that has ever happened to me...I had never been fired from anything before in my life...I mean I could understand if I had called in sick all the time (Never did - nope, not once in 4 years until the eye surgery), didn't do my job, was rude to patients or actually harmed a patient -but I didn't do any of that....Now, I am sure there are two sides to every story - and my former boss might say I was the worst employee he ever had (which since I guess I am the only one he ever fired - yep, he would probably say that) I am hoping that writing about this will be somewhat therapeutic.....Cause since I am jobless I can't afford therapy...this is my side of the story (This is soooo long I will have to tell it in three separate posts - so if anyone cannot stand my misery or whining- skip the next three) after working for him for 4 1/2 years there is lots of history so here goes:
My former boss was a foreign doctor (I am not prejudiced against foreigners of any kind - but some do have a different set of values - so it is relevant) his top priority being MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY - family coming much lower on the totem pole - This man's wife and kids live an hour a way in Memphis and he sees them on weekends and occasionally during the week- Now I like money as much as the rest of you - in fact LOVE to spend it - just ask hubby...But my kids and family are actually my top priority - I know my kids are only little once and this goes by way to fast so I try to be involved in everything they are and I stay active with them...Any of the other girls in the office were always allowed to take off to attend parties with their kids at school or school plays, awards, etc....So I thought this should be ok for me too - but, nope he didn't think so...This ties into when I quit....
I am an only child (previously mentioned brother is a half-brother), as is my mother (small - close family -talk to my mom several times a day)- so when my grandfather died in Dec. of 06 I took 3 days (which is the standard at factories and such) off - this coincided with the New Year's holiday so I was actually off a whole week - when I got back I was called in to doc's office and told he thought I took too long off and he had a new set of "work rules" for me...This included - obtaining my prescriptive authority, beginning to make rounds at the hospital on some weekends (which I was not going to be compensated extra for he told me) and all time off had to be approved 2 weeks in advance, and no more taking off for "family social reasons" only emergencies..also reviewing my work hours etc.....Now I keep it together but I am pissed - My grandfather just died and this is what I come back to? I told doc I would think about it, but didn't think that was going to work - simply because of the extra things he wanted me to do -like rounding without compensation....so we left it at that - when I get home with this story hubby is livid..he tells me to quit immediately - I think about it and decide maybe that is the best - (also because he had not given me the raise I wanted after 2 years either) so I go in the next Monday and turn in my 30 days notice (required by my contract) he is shocked I think....I work my 30 days - and at the end of which (because he could not find anyone else - he offered a friend the job and she called me, told me about it, and turned him down because of the rate of pay)he says would you consider staying on part-time so I agree and agree for him to basically pay me a set daily rate - which ends up being the raise I wanted to begin with....So this goes on for a long while and all is well..I even obtain my prescriptive authority like he wanted - but no more mention is made of the doing rounds...We decide to go back to a contract and re-sign one later on.....which leads to part 2....Stay tuned...I know ya'll can hardly wait.....
In Which I Say "Chairs" Way Too Much
2 months ago
1 Comment:
Im on pins and needles, cant wait!!
MM is not mad at me today...maybe I'm going crazy along with everything else.
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